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Why Period?

It fn hurts like satan's hell down there!
BECAUSE IT FN HURTS. MY CERVIX FN HURTS! Yes, Virginia I can feel my gd cervix! Period is for women who want a private, understanding place to rant and rave about their stupid period without alerting loved ones. Not that they would care or you would care to share. f sentence structure.
I have had plenty of time to think about my period this week as I have been asleep or in bed most of this week. My periods are so heavy and unmanageable I have to take serious painkillers. I mean my cervix was burning as the clots slid out. Yes the tissue I pass is humongous. I have been to doctors and I have been to alter call at my church. The latter worked and I finally found a doctor who would take my pain management complaints seriously.

I really don't know why this particular period was more unmanageable that the previous ones. I went to altar call at my church several months ago and Mrs. Pastor laid hands on me and by my faith I was healed. Amen. The clots are much much smaller so the incidences of pain are fewer. But this time the clots were big enough to hurt again--just not as big as it was--palm sized. How would you like to be standing among people passing a palm sized  piece of tissue through your cervix? What Tampax do you think can hold solid matter? Hmmm? Pads are gross. If I want to be out of the house for more than an hour, I would have to wear both and be drugged up behind the wheel of a car.

Could you imagine how pleasant you'd be on the ground, writhing in pain amongst strangers? That is why my bleeding ass has been in the house all week--not because I'm fn lazy! I do more work in my slumber that most people do all fn day. When was the last time you scrubbed your kitchen floor by hand? Oh yeah, you never scrubbed a floor. Good for you.

Today is day five and it is lingering. Day six may or may not be better.


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