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I hate to be the one to complain.....

...but if I were, this is the place to do so.
I'm complaining. This is my complaint blog about myself. Even after the radical hysterectomy, I still have pain and some bleeding. I told all of my doctors and my gyno said it was vaginal atrophy. Really, it's a thing and she said it is happening to me. Working out has been curtailed, core work began to hurt. I wonder if it is because of scar tissue. I had to actually lay down one day because of it. I told my doctors, nothing.
 Since my hysterectomy, I have had no sex drive. Fine with me, no one to drive with anyhoo. Additionally, the menopause symptoms have dramatically increased since my last writing in 2013.
I have hot flashes and insomnia. Sage tea has helped tremendously, so thank you to the kind woman who suggested it while on line at the Ali Baba store on 45th Ave.
That store is a great source for herbs and spices.
I've written two epic essays, 2,000 words plus and a prologue to Gas Station Divas (4,000 words).
I will post them somewhere on this blog.


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