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Showing posts with the label Mooncup


Last night while perusing the Web for heavy period forums, I ran across a thread on Digital Spy UK edition where the women shared similar experiences to mine. I found helpful news articles and a product called a Mooncup which is exactly how you'd think it would be: it is a little cup that catches the flow. Some of the women said they have to empty it several times a day but when you compare that to using 32 tampons in two hours it is a better deal. (Yes, one woman in the thread had that as an issue and I can identify.) Article links: No Hysterectomies for Heavy Periods MensesEdu I'm reading some of this information now and in developing countries young girls and women may not have an eco-friendly alternative to sanitary pads. They are using cloths that are laundered--probably by hand--and then reused. Where would all of those women put used sanitary products? In a land field? I dunno. I'll keep reading...but one woman commented on the Mooncup facebook page that the ...