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Showing posts with the label menses management in developing countries

Menustration management in developing countries -OMG Ladies read this

" I was brought up in the city of Pune. My parents were quite unorthodox in their approach to menstruation and I did not have to endure exclusion from religious functions, or seclusion at home and elsewhere and so on during my periods. But I did face a major problem - attendance at school. It was about 7 km away from my home and commuting was not direct; hence I could not come home easily if I had a problem at school. The school was located in an area with very little ground water, and municipal water supply was also inadequate. As a result, on most days, all taps in the school, including those in the toilets, ran dry. I needed to change every 4 to 5 hours for about 3 to 4 days and hence I had to remain absent from school at the beginning of each period - which lasted for 9 or 10 days. One or two of my teachers were concerned about the gaps in my attendance and I distinctly remember two occasions on which I was asked why I remained absent so often. Unfortunately, I did not have t...