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Showing posts from January, 2012

Sorry About the Photos, Today is a new day

I will  make more of an effort to write here the weeks before, during and if necessary, after my period. After the passage of that solid tissue, I was okay. I felt bad about all of that fussing. Many people  who have signed up for this blog are offended by my gumption to post the tissue on the Web. Well consider this a medically-themed blog. I am not ashamed of what occurs naturally in life. How could I be? It's just that tissue bigger than a .50 cent piece requires a doctor's attention. Clearly that is not bigger than a round .50 cent piece but it is thicker and it still had to be pushed out of my very firm cervix. It was like labor --all in my back and everything. I was in public shopping in pain, at the gas station in pain, conducting all sorts of business in pain. That is just how life is when I'm on my period. I still have to function in the world, in pain or not, taking pain meds or not, pleasant or evil.

Happy New Year (the only thing changed is the calendar) photo is graphic

warning: photos are graphic and disgusting I have been wanting to write here since Sept. but it seemed to hurt worse the more I wrote. Here it is January and it hurts really bad. The solid matter is pummeling my cervix. I tell anyone who will listen. I'm just going to keep the window open and write. Yesterday I told someone I wanted to stab my own leg just to have a different sort of pain I could actually see and touch and do something about. Not this gnawing pain inside against my cervix. I can't see it, touch it, warm it but I sure as hell can still feel it. I am so fkd up that I just got up and pawned my treadmill for $35 because I hate it and it is too small to actually run on without falling off of it. Good riddance. More room for the yoga ball! Now I gotta vacuum there -- another activity that jiggles my uterus. My Goodness I am such a bitch! My legs and ankles are so swollen that I can feel the skin tightening. Soon this will be over but not soon enuf for me. It do...