Leslie Jones McCloud
Chicago African American Relationships Examiner
Ms. McCloud's articles may be found on the Yahoo Contributor Network/Associated Content, e-How, Mahalo, Suite 101, Squidoo, Scribd or her many blogs, like Imadeamesss.com or Thetrickbagdotcom.blogspot.com. She has worked mostly as a news reporter but has also worked as a counselor at a drug treatment facility and at various residential mental health treatment facilities in Indiana. Currently, she is working on completing a sequel to her latest work of fiction, Gas Station Divas. Her previous books are
Eighteen Months and
Short Stories, Real Life. Eighteen Months is born from a diary Ms. McCloud kept while riding the train to and from work. However, the 112-page paperback is a work of fiction. Short Stories, Real Life is a collection over the years, of her favorite news features. More information about her may be found on her blog, Imadeamesss.com. She may be reached at gasstationdivas@ymail.com. Friend her here.
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